The Ultimate Day and Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin - Dang! Lifestyle Nigeria

The Ultimate Day and Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Skincare routine for oily skin

Are you tired of battling with excess shine and pesky breakouts? Dive into the world of day-and-night skincare routines for oily skin with us. In this post, we'll unveil the secrets to achieving a balanced, radiant complexion.


Having a tailored skincare regimen for oily skin is key to unlocking your skin's true potential. By addressing the specific needs of oily skin, you can effectively combat excess sebum (oil) production, minimise the appearance of enlarged pores, and prevent those frustrating breakouts.


With the right products and consistent care, you'll witness the transformative impact of a proper skincare routine, leaving you with a glowing complexion that radiates confidence.


So, are you ready to embark on this journey to healthier, happier skin? Let's dive in!


Key Takeaways: Day and Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

  • Crafting a tailored day-and-night skincare routine is essential for oily skin, as it helps address specific issues like excess sebum production and enlarged pores to prevent breakouts and achieve a balanced complexion.

  • Consistent care and the right products are paramount for transformative results. With dedication and patience, you'll witness the benefits of a proper skincare routine, leaving you with glowing, radiant skin.

  • Consulting a skincare professional offers personalised recommendations tailored to your unique concerns and skin type. Their insights and recommendations can be invaluable in achieving healthier, glowing skin.

  • Incorporating potent ingredients like mandelic acid, azelaic acid, niacinamide, and vitamin C can effectively combat oiliness and promote clear, radiant skin.

  • Be mindful to avoid harsh cleansers, heavy moisturisers, and over-exfoliation. Additionally, always prioritise sunscreen to protect against sun damage and worsen oily skin issues.


What is the Oily Skin Type?

Oily skin is a skin type characterised by an overproduction of sebum (the skin's natural oil). This excess oil can result in a shiny complexion, enlarged pores, acne, and breakouts.


Oily skin often feels greasy and can be particularly challenging to manage. This is whyΒ having specific day and night skincare routines tailored to control oil production while maintaining hydration and balance is essential.


In addition, oily skin is also called acne-prone skin. This is because the excess oil can clog the pores. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing acne.


More so, it provides a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria, leading to more breakouts. However, not everyone with oily skin will necessarily experience acne. Genetics, lifestyle factors, and skincare habits also play a role in acne development.


The Importance of Consulting a Skincare Professional for Personalised Recommendations

The importance of seeking guidance from a skincare professional cannot be stressed enough. Every individual's skin is unique, and what works wonders for one person may not yield the same results for another.


Consulting a skincare expert allows for personalised recommendations tailored to your specific concerns and skin type. Whether you're battling stubborn acne, struggling with excessive oiliness, or aiming to address signs of ageing, a professional can offer invaluable insights and suggest targeted treatments and products.


Ultimately, by working with a skincare professional, you can embark on a journey towards healthier, glowing skin with confidence and clarity. So, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation and unlock the secrets to your best skin ever.


Skincare Products/Ingredients Our Aestheticians Often Recommend for Oily Skin


Skincare products for oily skin

When it comes to tackling oily skin, our aestheticians swear by the following skincare products and ingredients that deliver remarkable results:

  • Mandelic acid, known for its gentle exfoliating properties, works wonders at unclogging pores and reducing excess oil without causing irritation.


  • Azelaic acid, another powerhouse ingredient, not only controls oil production but also targets acne-causing bacteria, leaving your skin clear and radiant.


  • Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3, regulates sebum production and minimises the appearance of pores, resulting in a smoother, more balanced complexion.


  • For those seeking to step up their anti-ageing game while managing oiliness, tretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A, proves to be a game-changer, promoting cell turnover and refining the skin's texture.


  • Lastly, benzoyl peroxide is a trusted ally in the fight against acne. This potent ingredient effectively kills acne-causing bacteria while reducing inflammation, making it an essential addition to any oily skin regimen.


With these powerhouse ingredients in your skincare arsenal, achieving a clear, shine-free complexion is well within reach.


day and night skincare routine for oily skin

Best Day Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Here's the daily morning skincare routine for oily skin.


1. Cleansing

Start your daytime routine by cleansing your face with an everyday gentle, lightweight cleanser containing ingredients that are beneficial for your oily skin. Ingredients like Rosa Rugosa contain astringent properties that can help tighten pores and reduce oiliness.


2. Toning

After cleansing, apply a hydrating tonerΒ to add moisture to the skin, signalling to it that it doesn't need to produce more oil. This can help regulate oil production in the long run.


More so, using a toner containing soothing ingredients like aloe vera and Centella Asiatica extract can helpΒ soothe the skin, calm irritation, and reduce inflammation.


3. TreatmentΒ 

Apply your treatment products that have been uniquely formulated to combat, excessive sebum production and inflammation, leading to acne.


Products like azelaic acid and niacinamide are excellent products to use at this stage. Apply azelaic acid and wait for 10–15 minutes before applying niacinamide.


4. Moisturising

Next, hydrate your skin with a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser. Choose a formula that replenishes moisture without clogging your pores or promoting oil production.


5. Sun Protection

Always finish off your daytime skincare routine with sun protection. Apply a non-greasy, no-white-cast mineral sunscreen to shield your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent premature ageing.


A mineral sunscreen is best for oily skin types because it's lightweight. Hence, it does not clog the pores. Likewise, it is gentler on the skin and less likely to cause irritation.


Overall, this step is crucial for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin while safeguarding against potential damage that can exacerbate oily skin concerns.

By following these simple yet effective daytime skincare routines for oily skin, you can confidently face the day knowing your skin is protected and primed for whatever comes its way.


Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

For your nighttime routine, follow these steps.


1.Β Cleansing

Start by cleansing your face. For your nighttime routine, it's okay to use an exfoliating cleanser to deeply cleanse your pores and eliminate dead skin cells that clog them.


2. Toning

After cleansing, apply a mandelic acid toner to tone the skin. Mandelic acid helps unclog pores and regulate sebum (oil) production, promoting clearer and healthier skin.


Note: If you've used an exfoliating face wash, you can use a regular toner to avoid overexfoliation. However, some individuals have used both the mandelic face wash and mandelic toner in the same routine without experiencing any irritation.


As said earlier, individual skin differs. The trick is to understand your skin's tolerance level and do what's best for you.


3. TreatmentΒ 

Apply your azelaic acid and niacinamide serums accordingly.These ingredients work overnight to control oil production and prevent breakouts.

If you have severe acne, you can use benzoyl peroxide as the last step in your routine before moisturising. Use it as a spot treatment, rubbing it only on the spots where you have severe acne cysts.


4.Β Moisturise

Complete your nighttime routine with a hydrating serum or a lightweight moisturiser. This step helps to keep the skin balanced and hydrated throughout the night, ensuring refreshed skin in the morning.

By following these steps diligently, you'll set the stage for a night of skin rejuvenation and wake up to a healthier, more radiant complexion.


Tips for best morning and night skincare routine for oily skin


Bonus Tips for Day and Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

In addition to the core nighttime skincare routine for oily skin, incorporating a few extra steps can elevate your skincare game to the next level.


First up, exfoliate only once or twice a week to eliminate dead skin cells that clog the pores. If you're looking to tackle signs of ageing and acne, consider introducing Tretinoin into your routine.


Begin by using it once a week and gradually increase to 2-3 times a week, adjusting based on your skin's tolerance level. When used with azelaic acid in the same routine, it can be a game changer.


Check out this article, Can I Use Azeliac Acid and Retinol Together?Β for more information on how to combine this powerful duo in your skincare routine.Β 


Benzoyl peroxide is effective for tackling stubborn acne. Remember to use it as a spot treatment, applying it only to those spots where the acne pops up.


Furthermore, use this only at night after your treatment serum and before your hydrating finish.


Above all, by incorporating these additional tips into your nighttime regimen, you'll be well on your way to achieving your skincare goals.


Skincare Routine for Oily Skin Teenagers

Navigating skincare as a teenager can be challenging, especially when dealing with oily skin. Teenage years often come with hormonal fluctuations, which can irritate oily skin and lead to breakouts.


Hence, it's crucial to tailor your skincare routine to address these special concerns and considerations.


First things first, keep it simple. Opt for gentle, products that won't strip your skin of its natural oils. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid, mandelic acid, and azelaic acid, known for their acne-fighting properties, to keep those breakouts at bay.


Also, don't forget the importance of hydration! Even oily skin needs moisture to stay balanced, so reach for oil-free moisturisers to keep your skin happy and hydrated without clogging pores.


Finally, always finish up your morning routine with sunscreen to prevent hyperpigmentation and sun damage.


Ultimately, with a little knowledge and the right products, you'll be well on your way to achieving a clear, confident complexion, no matter your age.


Skincare Routine for Oily Skin: Men

Embracing a skincare regimen isn't just for the ladies; it's a crucial step towards achieving a confident and clear complexion. For men dealing with oily skin, the key is to keep it simple yet effective.


Start by cleansing your face with a gentle, oil-free face wash to remove excess oil and impurities without stripping your skin of its natural moisture.


Next, follow up with a toner enriched with ingredients to hydrate the skin and control shine throughout the day. Incorporating a lightweight, non-greasy sunscreen with SPF protection is essential to keeping your skin moisturised and protected from harmful UV rays.


When it comes to selecting skincare products for men, opt for formulations specifically designed to address concerns like oiliness and congestion effectively. Look for ingredients like mandelic acid, azelaic acid, and vitamin C for oily skinΒ to combat excess oil production and promote clear and radiant skin.


With the right tips and products in your arsenal, achieving balanced and healthy-looking skin is well within reach. So, gentlemen, elevate your skincare game and conquer oily skin with the right routine.


Day and Night Skincare for Oily Skin: What to Avoid in Your Routine?

Here's a list of things to avoid in your routine when you've got oily skin.

  • Avoid harsh cleansers: Steer clear of alcohol-based cleansers that strip away too much oil. These can trigger the skin to produce even more sebum.

  • Be cautious with moisturisers: Avoid heavy, pore-clogging moisturisers and creamy formulas. These can worsen oiliness and lead to breakouts.

  • Limit Exfoliation: Refrain from over-exfoliating, as it can disrupt the skin's natural barrier. This can result in increased oil production and sensitivity.

  • Don't skip sunscreen: Always apply sunscreen, even on cloudy days. Unprotected sun exposure can stimulate oil production and worsen acne.



Embarking on a journey towards healthier, happier skin requires dedication and consistency, especially when dealing with oily skin. Throughout this guide, we've explored the intricacies of crafting tailored day and night skincare routines designed to address the specific needs of oily skin types.

By adhering to a consistent skincare regimen, you're not only combating excess sebum production and minimising enlarged pores but also preventing frustrating breakouts that often accompany oily skin.


Each step of your routine plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced, radiant complexion, from gentle cleansing to targeted treatments and hydration.

It's important to remember that achieving optimal skin health is a journey, not a destination. With patience and perseverance, the transformative impact of a proper skincare routine will become evident, leaving you with skin that radiates confidence and vitality.

So, whether you're just starting your skincare journey or looking to refine your existing routine, remember the power of consistency and the importance of seeking professional guidance when needed. Together, let's unlock the secrets to your best skin ever and embrace a future filled with confidence and self-assurance.

Here's to healthier, happier skinβ€”one skincare routine at a time!


FAQs: Day and Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

1. Should I moisturise at night if I have oily skin?

Yes, moisturising at night is still important for oily skin. Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturisers that won't clog pores but will still provide hydration. Proper hydration helps balance oil production and maintain skin health, even for oily skin types.


2. Which serum is best for oily skin?

Serums containing ingredients like niacinamide, or hyaluronic acid are ideal for oily skin. Niacinamide regulates oil production, and hyaluronic acid provides lightweight hydration without adding extra oiliness.


3. What can I put on my face at night for oily skin?

At night, opt for lightweight products that focus on controlling oil production and promoting skin renewal. Use a gentle cleanser, followed by a toner, to balance pH levels.


Apply a treatment serum containing ingredients like azelaic acid to target oiliness and acne. Finish with a lightweight moisturiser to hydrate and seal in the benefits of your skincare routine.


4. Is vitamin C serum okay for oily skin?

Yes, vitamin C serum is suitable for oily skin. It offers antioxidant protection, helps brighten the complexion, and can aid in reducing the appearance of acne scars.


5. Can I skip moisturiser after a vitamin C serum for oily skin?

It's best not to skip moisturiser after applying vitamin C serum, even for oily skin. While vitamin C provides antioxidant benefits, moisturiser helps lock in hydration and maintain skin barrier function.


However, use a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser to ensure hydration without adding extra oiliness.


6. How do I choose a vitamin C serum for oily skin?

When selecting a vitamin C serum for oily skin, look for formulations labelled oil-free and lightweight. Opt for serums with stable forms of vitamin C, such as L-ascorbic acid.


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